Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Nutrient Depletion and You...

Since 1952, Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community, deserve the best health care services and advice that we can provide.  It’s with this core belief in mind that Walsh’s has committed to providing those in our community, and beyond, with programs, products, services and advice which help to meet the demands of a busy life and lifestyle.

Visit Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre today, and let’s talk…

Millions of Canadians take prescription medications to help manage health, or lifestyle issues. However, many of the people taking any number of medicines don’t realize that the medications they take can adversely affect the amount of nutrients stored in the body. In general, most medications actually deplete specific vitamins and minerals in the body, and cause any number of additional health-related problems.

Just as farmers replenish the nutrients in the soil every Spring and Fall, those taking prescription medications, and even some over-the-counter remedies, need to replenish the nutrient levels in their body. Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in everyday body function- including cellular processes. This role may also include other important functions such as maintaining the body’s immune system, or digestive functions, as well as others.

Depending upon the medications, or class of medicines taken, different nutrients can automatically be depleted from the body. For instance, anti-inflammatory drugs which are used for chronic pain relief can deplete Calcium; Potassium; Vitamins B6, C, D, Folic Acid, as well as several other minerals needed for a healthier lifestyle.

 We recommend, for example, that if you are taking any of the following classes of medications to manage, or control, certain conditions such as:

                    Antibiotics                          Anti-Seizure Medications    Anti-Ulcer

                    Birth Control                       Blood Pressure/Heart       Cholesterol

                    Chronic Pain Relievers         Diabetes                         Diuretics                        

 …then you should, at least, be taking an appropriate supplement and/or a Multivitamin to counteract any of the nutrient depletion effects that many of these medications can cause. While this list is by no means complete, we recommend you see your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for additional detail.

 Always check with your health care practitioner before embarking on any change to your health-related routine, particularly when it involves prescription medications. And remember to ask your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for advice about your medications and how to counteract the effects of nutrient depletion.

 As we head into the Fall season, most people step up their Vitamin and supplement in-take. It’s always best to speak with your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist to determine what specific supplement program is right for you. See us first for all your health-related needs.

 We can help you stay healthy.                                                     


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