Thursday, 13 April 2017

Let’s Talk…About Mobility and Living Independently

You’ve heard us say this before: we believe that people in our community deserve the best health support services, programs and advice that a health care provider can make available…and sometimes the best medicine can simply be a good dose of knowledge. We’re hoping we can share some insights into healthier lifestyles with this blog- we also invite you to share your experiences.

April is Mobility Month at Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre. We are celebrating our 65th Anniversary this year…65 years of helping our customers and patients maintain an independent and healthier lifestyle.

We’ve all heard the expression, “April showers bring May flowers”. Well, April does bring showers… and May certainly the flowers. April is also the start of the outdoor season when the days seem warmer, the scent of Spring is in the air, and many of us simply have had enough of Winter and want to get started on outdoor activities.

However, for those with mobility issues, getting around can often be quite a challenge… and you don’t have to be a Senior to experience these day-to-day challenges. Why not share some of your challenges, and how you have, or are overcoming those issues.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to help you maintain an independent lifestyle while, at the same time experiencing a healthier, more active everyday life.

Outdoor activities involving recreational pastimes such as a short walk, gardening,  and even shopping, combined with other moderate exercise and supplement programs can add a sense of well-being for all of us. These also provide a personal sense of satisfaction that can be so important to a health maintenance agenda. Walsh’s Pharmacy, and Health & Lifestyle Centre offers assistive devices, safety products and exercise therapy programs to help get started.

We also have accredited staff members who can also help in helping to make the right choice related to blood pressure, circulation, and compression stocking needs; as well we can provide guidance on the selection of a cane, a walker/rollator, bathroom safety and even a lift chair.

While many seniors are generally healthier and more physically fit than seniors of previous generations, many older Canadians still experience limitations to their activities. In part, these limitations can be associated with the normal course of aging- from arthritis to reduced vision.

Activity for many can be compromised if a person has difficulty hearing, seeing, walking, climbing stairs, bending, reaching, or doing similar activities. These limitations don’t necessarily only apply to seniors; they can affect people of any age.

Walsh’s Health &Lifestyle Centre opens this month; why not come see us for all your mobility needs.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Seniors and the Summer...

For over 60 years, Walsh’s Pharmacy has believed that people within our community, at large, deserve the best health care services and advice that we can provide. It is with this in mind that Walsh’s has committed to providing  those in our community, and beyond, with programs, products and services which help to meet the demands of a busy life  and lifestyle.

One of the more significant lifestyle adjustments we make is the one from middle age to senior citizen. According to the 2011 Census, there are almost 5 million people aged 65 and older in Canada. As we get older, we find we have to adjust to meet a variety of changes and challenges in our daily lives. None can be more dramatic than those involving senior citizens who must cope with the fact that activities once handled with ease are often more physically taxing than they previously experienced, and take longer to do.

One of the single most important things seniors can do for themselves to reduce the risk of age-related decline is exercise- plain, ordinary, every-day exercise. A recent study found that moderate exercise- a 40 minute walk, 3 times a week for instance, is not only good for the body, but also the mind. Extreme weather conditions, of course, would be cause for adjustment to this suggestion. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, less than half of Canadians aged 40 years and older are regularly involved in some form of physical activity.

Conferring with your health care provider can help to improve conditions of lifestyle at home, both indoors and out. If mobility is an issue, then perhaps visiting Walsh’s health & lifestyle centre might provide some of the tools to improve health and well-being.

With extreme summer weather conditions being more and more of a consideration, you should always be alert to the circumstances of being sun safe, as well as being aware of heat and humidity, before embarking on any outdoor activity. Conditions of high heat and humidity can be particularly challenging for seniors.

Being sun safe means remembering to limit sun exposure during the day, particularly between 10 am and 4 pm. Seek shade as much as possible, or use an umbrella when outdoors. As well, wear an appropriate level sunscreen which your health care provider can recommend; wear a wide-brim hat and sunglasses with proper UVA/UVB protection.

As with most activities, moderation should always be your guideline, and always, always check with your health care provider to ensure that any exercise regimen you embark on, in any form, is right for you.

Enjoy a healthy and safe summer.         



Nutrient Depletion and You...

Since 1952, Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community, deserve the best health care services and advice that we can provide.  It’s with this core belief in mind that Walsh’s has committed to providing those in our community, and beyond, with programs, products, services and advice which help to meet the demands of a busy life and lifestyle.

Visit Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre today, and let’s talk…

Millions of Canadians take prescription medications to help manage health, or lifestyle issues. However, many of the people taking any number of medicines don’t realize that the medications they take can adversely affect the amount of nutrients stored in the body. In general, most medications actually deplete specific vitamins and minerals in the body, and cause any number of additional health-related problems.

Just as farmers replenish the nutrients in the soil every Spring and Fall, those taking prescription medications, and even some over-the-counter remedies, need to replenish the nutrient levels in their body. Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in everyday body function- including cellular processes. This role may also include other important functions such as maintaining the body’s immune system, or digestive functions, as well as others.

Depending upon the medications, or class of medicines taken, different nutrients can automatically be depleted from the body. For instance, anti-inflammatory drugs which are used for chronic pain relief can deplete Calcium; Potassium; Vitamins B6, C, D, Folic Acid, as well as several other minerals needed for a healthier lifestyle.

 We recommend, for example, that if you are taking any of the following classes of medications to manage, or control, certain conditions such as:

                    Antibiotics                          Anti-Seizure Medications    Anti-Ulcer

                    Birth Control                       Blood Pressure/Heart       Cholesterol

                    Chronic Pain Relievers         Diabetes                         Diuretics                        

 …then you should, at least, be taking an appropriate supplement and/or a Multivitamin to counteract any of the nutrient depletion effects that many of these medications can cause. While this list is by no means complete, we recommend you see your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for additional detail.

 Always check with your health care practitioner before embarking on any change to your health-related routine, particularly when it involves prescription medications. And remember to ask your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for advice about your medications and how to counteract the effects of nutrient depletion.

 As we head into the Fall season, most people step up their Vitamin and supplement in-take. It’s always best to speak with your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist to determine what specific supplement program is right for you. See us first for all your health-related needs.

 We can help you stay healthy.                                                     


The Flu and Flu Shots...know the Facts

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community, deserve the best health care services and programs that we can provide. With this in mind, Walsh’s Pharmacy in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, will be providing Flu shots for those in our community, and beyond who receive the flu vaccine. See in-store to learn more about the Flu, and why you should consider being vaccinated.

Visit Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre today, and let’s talk…   

Most anyone who has ever had the flu, or influenza (in its many forms), knows that it is easily caught and is easily spread. While symptoms may vary from person to person, and seem like you’re getting a cold, the flu can be much, much worse than a cold. These symptoms may take the form of a headache, chills, and dry cough followed by body ache and fever.

For some, the flu can lead to some very serious complications, and while most people fully recover, others can experience more serious problems such as pneumonia, and require hospitalization.

Each year brings a new strain of the flu, requiring a new flu shot to be effectively protected. An annual vaccination, or flu shot, is considered the only effective preventative measure proven to reduce the severest of outcomes. Often people miss getting a flu shot because of a lack of time, availability, or accessibility. Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacists and staff will be doing their utmost to accommodate as many patients who require, or should get, a flu shot as possible during the beginning of the “flu season”.

While diet, exercise, and taking vitamins and supplements all contribute to overall health, they aren’t always enough to protect you from the flu virus. This is particularly true if you already have a medical condition. A flu vaccination, at the start of the flu season (which generally begins in October), can provide increased protection, or at least, reduce the more serious effects of the virus should you contract it.

In fact, children and seniors tend to be the groups most at risk and susceptible to the flu. Additionally, anyone with chronic heart, or lung disease, diabetes, or those with a weakened immune system should be immunized against the flu.

While some people, due to medical reasons should not get a flu shot (those with severe allergies or hypersensitivity to eggs, for instance), most anyone over the age of 6 months, can and should, get a flu shot. You can also check our website for information related to Allergies, and other health-related references.

Check our website, , in-store notices and newspaper for information about our flu shot program schedule. 

Cold and Flu Fighting Advice

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community deserve the best health care services, programs and advice that we can provide. Sometimes the best medicine is a good dose of knowledge. October is the beginning of the flu season, as well as the time of year for cold viruses.

10 Proven Ways to Stay Healthy this Winter

Here are 10 proven ways to prevent the spread of cold and flu. Visit Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre today, and Let’s Talk…     

1. Wash your hands often. Colds and the flu are spread by direct contact, either from person to person, or from person to object. So, simply shaking hands, or touching the same chair can transfer the virus;

2. Get plenty of Rest. Getting enough sleep is integral to your health, especially when you’re ‘under the weather’. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night;

3. Keep your Hands away from your Face. Your eyes, nose and mouth are prime areas for viral germs, so keeping your hands away from your face is important to minimize the spread of germs;

4. Sneeze into your Elbow, not your Hand. We all know to cover our coughs and sneezes, but to limit the transfer of a virus, cough or sneeze into your sleeved elbow;

5. Keep Hand Sanitizer at the Ready. When a sink isn’t nearby, hand sanitizer works. Keep one in your purse or pocket, desk or car, for convenient use;

6. Drink Water and Eat Well. Keeping your body hydrated and well nourished is a year round necessity, but especially during cold and flu season; remember to have multivitamins as part of your daily regimen;

7. Get fresh Air. When cold air arrives, people are more likely to stay indoors. To minimize exposure to germs, which thrive in warm, heated areas, go outside periodically to help boost your immune system, and to also revitalize your mind;

8. De-stress and Relax. Think positive thoughts. Relax more, and try to stress less. Studies have demonstrated that people with a negative outlook on life were more susceptible to colds and flu than those who had a positive view;

9. Don’t smoke. This is true regardless of cold and flu season. Smokers are more likely to get severe colds, and to get them more frequently. Smokers also take longer to recover from illnesses than non-smokers;

10. Get a Flu Shot. Getting a flu shot protects you and your loved ones, especially at-risk children and seniors who could experience serious complications from the flu. As mentioned last month, watch for Walsh’s Pharmacy flu shot information.

Speak with your health care practitioner or your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for advice regarding the best way to avoid, or fight your cold and flu symptoms. Let’s talk... 

Check our website, , in-store notices and newspaper for information about our flu shot schedule.     

Diabetes, You and Living with Diabetes

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community deserve the best health care services, programs and advice that we can provide. Sometimes the best medicine is  a good dose of knowledge.  November is Diabetes Awareness Month in Canada, and Walsh’s Pharmacy is doing its part to “spread the word”. You may have heard, or read, about Diabetes, and its effects. But did you know that while this disease, and its effects, are growing, many Canadians may not even be aware that they might have it.

Diabetes is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to meet the body’s needs, or that cells don’t respond properly to the insulin being produced by the body. Insulin is important because it moves glucose, which is a simple sugar, into the body’s cells from the blood. It also has a number of other important effects on metabolism, and the process by which the body converts nutrients into energy.

The food you eat provides the body with glucose, used by the body’s cells as a source of energy. If insulin isn’t available, or isn’t working correctly, glucose will stay in the blood. High blood glucose levels can be toxic, and the cells that don’t get enough glucose, are lacking in the fuel they need to function properly. These two problems cause the symptoms of Diabetes.

There are two types of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. While Type 1 is associated with an auto-immune disorder, more than 90% of all people in North America with Diabetes have Type 2. Approximately 1/3 of people with Type 2 diabetes may not even be aware of their condition, as symptoms are not always noticeable without testing. A healthcare professional can teach you to recognize the warning signs; early detection = early treatment = improved outcomes.

More than most conditions, Diabetes requires a significant amount of patient effort. Coping with Diabetes is a lifelong challenge and involves not only you, but your doctor, your family and your Walsh’s pharmacist.

I remind people with Type 2 Diabetes that there are 3 important things they can do in their treatment: first, make lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc.); second, use your medication as prescribed; and three, monitor your Blood Glucose Levels regularly. We can provide training and guidance on all three elements of this regimen.

Recent guidelines issued by the Canadian Diabetes Association states that it is essential for all people with Diabetes to self-monitor their blood glucose levels with a blood glucose monitor, and record these reading at different times of the day.

If you have questions, speak with your healthcare practitioner or your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for advice and guidance regarding Diabetes. Let’s Talk…    

Check our website, , in-store notices and newspaper for information about Diabetes. 

Taking Care during the Festive Season

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community deserve the best health care services, programs and advice that we can provide. Sometimes the best medicine is a good dose of knowledge.

December is an exciting month as we make plans for social events in conjunction with Christmas and New Years.

It can also be a month of high stress and anxiety as we deal with our ever growing to-do lists associated with our work and social calendars.

There are a number of stress-reducing recommendation sources available. Most will suggest that we simply slow down. We rush through dinner, hurry to our next appointment, race to finish one more item on our personal agenda so that we can get on to the next, or become so tired, we don’t sleep or eat properly.

Simply slowing down is easier said than done. But reducing the level of extremes in our lives, eating a healthy and balanced diet, or taking a moderate approach might help to reduce our feeling of stress. Low impact exercise, breathing exercises, even taking the time to enjoy the moment, can all contribute to improved health and lifestyle.

However, if you aren’t able to eat a healthy and balanced diet, or find the time to decompress, you might benefit from taking a daily multi-vitamin or additional supplement(s). You should also be aware that taking certain medications can also deplete the body of particular stress-relieving nutrients. Ask your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist about the effects of nutrient depletion, and how it might affect you. As with any health regimen, however, you should always check with your health care practitioner, or your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for guidance.

While vitamins and mineral supplements won’t address any of the underlying factors associated with stress, they may help to reduce the negative effects associated with stress.

When under stress, your body needs for certain vitamins and mineral supplements increases significantly. Vitamins and mineral supplements can help to settle the nervous system. It is essential that your body has the best possible opportunity to recover, by providing the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy balance.

There are a number of vitamins and supplements that can be important during stressful periods: Vitamin B complex, for instance, is important particularly when there is an increased intake of carbohydrates (including alcohol); Vitamin C needs are also increased as it also helps to boost the body’s immune system; Calcium is another important mineral because it’s also helpful in easing symptoms of insomnia.

If you have questions, speak with your healthcare practitioner or your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for advice and guidance regarding healthy lifestyle options, and be sure to visit our website,

With festive season fast approaching, from our families to yours, have a Safe, Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year.

January...and getting Back to Basics

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community deserve the best health care services, programs and advice that we can provide. Sometimes the best medicine is simply a good dose of knowledge.

January has always been a month for fresh starts, renewal and getting back to basics; for committing to lifestyle improvement, and committing to taking better care of ourselves…health-wise, that is. It’s the same at Walsh’s Pharmacy.

As we begin our 62nd year of providing health-related services, Walsh’s Pharmacy will be focusing on delivering even broader health and wellness programs to our patients and customers.

F or example, coming in January, Walsh’s Pharmacy is launching an important product and service addition to our Health & Lifestyle Centre. Call, or visit us in-store for details.

National Non-Smoking Week starts January 19th. If you’re serious about quitting, and are interested in a Smoking Cessation Program, make an appointment with a Walsh’s pharmacist to discuss the options available.

Interested in learning more about your prescription and non-prescription medications? Ask about scheduling a medication MedsCheck with one of our pharmacists.

Need information about your glucometer, or blood pressure monitor?  Check with one of our pharmacy staff members who can provide guidance and proper use instruction.

You can also check your blood pressure regularly using our free in-store Blood Pressure Kiosk; and if you’re interested in learning about some healthy numbers*, ask one of our pharmacists…or your health care practitioner.

Haven’t had your flu shot yet? According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, flu season runs from November to April. Walsh’s Pharmacy provides flu shots…check in-store for schedule.

Sticking to a healthy lifestyle goal can be difficult; life’s activity sometimes gets in the way. Recall those New Year’s resolutions?

If you’re having difficulty living up to those health-related resolutions, or aren’t able to eat a healthy and balanced diet, you might benefit from taking a daily multi-vitamin or additional supplement(s). You also might not be aware, but taking certain medications can also deplete the body of certain nutrients. Ask your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist about the effects of nutrient depletion, and how it might affect you. As with any health regimen, however, you should always check with your health care practitioner. 

When you visit Walsh’s Pharmacy, you’re in good hands. We can answer your questions about the products and services we sell, as well as provide answers about the health and wellness of you and your family…but then, that’s to be expected from a good neighbour- we’ve been a part of the neighbourhood since 1952.

You can be confident that we have the knowledge and expertise you’re looking for, when you’re looking for health-related help and direction. Always check with your healthcare practitioner or your Walsh’s pharmacist before embarking on any health care regimen.

Be sure to visit us in-store, or our website at

February...Invest in your Heart Health

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community deserve the best health care services, programs and advice that we can provide. Sometimes the best medicine is simply a good dose of knowledge.

February not only features Valentine’s Day, and the Winter Olympics, it is also Heart Month and a perfect time to focus on developing strategies to maintain a healthy heart.

According to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, cardiovascular disease affects more lives in Canada than any other illness. But there’s good news. You can protect your heart and reduce your risk by simply adopting a few good habits. Here are just a few which you might undertake:

Be Active. Get a move on to protect your heart. Regular activity helps prevent and control risk factors such as High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol. Remember, it’s important to consult with your doctor before beginning any fitness oriented program, especially if you’ve not been active;

Eat Right. Choose a diet which emphasizes vegetables, fruit, whole grains, etc. For guidance, check Canada’s Food Guide and remember to check the label. You can also find the guide on our website:

Watch your Waistline. A nutritious diet and exercise regimen are vital to losing weight and keeping it off, as is portion control. Here’s a suggestion from the Heart & Stroke Foundation: Fill ½ your plate with vegetables, ¼ of your plate with whole grains, and ¼ with lean protein;

Monitor your Blood Pressure. High Blood Pressure affects one in five Canadians and is a major risk factor for heart disease. Yet 43% of people with high blood pressure don’t know they have it, because there are no symptoms. To ensure your blood pressure is maintained within the normal range, take regular readings at various times of day. Use our free in-store Blood Pressure Kiosk, but if you can’t visit Walsh’s regularly, perhaps you should consider a home-use automatic blood pressure monitor. Walsh’s Pharmacy carries a complete line of BIOS Diagnostics Blood Pressure Monitors.

Stop Smoking.  Using tobacco products, or merely being exposed to second hand smoke, increase the risk of developing heart disease. Consult your doctor, or a Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist, about an appropriate Smoking Cessation program that’s right for you. Attend a blood pressure clinic, or have your blood pressure monitored regularly. Check in-store for details about our smoking cessation programs.

When you visit Walsh’s Pharmacy, you’re in good hands. We can answer your questions about the products and services we sell, as well as provide answers about the health and wellness of you and your family…but then, that’s to be expected from a good neighbour who’s been a part of your neighbourhood since 1952. 

Be sure to visit us in-store, or our website at:

March is Pharmacist Awareness Month

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people in our community deserve the best health support services, programs and advice that we can provide. And sometimes the best medicine is simply a good dose of knowledge.

Among the many other national health awareness events and programs planned for and which take place in Canada during March, Pharmacist Awareness Month is a key recognition program. Our March in-store plans, together with a regional agenda provide the perfect opportunity to also learn about the many health and wellness products and services available at Walsh’s Pharmacy. It is generally conceded that pharmacists are at the forefront of main stream health care practitioners, covering the professional care and treatment of patients; at Walsh’s we pride ourselves in continually delivering on that expectation.

We are your medication experts, and the best equipped health care provider to help you understand and apply the best use of your medications. As has been supported by numerous surveys, pharmacists are also among the most trusted of health care providers within the health care network. 

Whether it’s conducting a one-on-one annual MedsCheck for those taking a minimum of three medications, or providing consultation for a planned hospital admission, or managing medications after being discharged from the hospital, Walsh’s pharmacists provide all the necessary guidance you should expect. It may also simply be to provide support information related to vitamin/nutrition supplements, every effort is made to ensure that we have knowledgeable patients.

In addition to providing prescription medication counselling, we also provide important information associated with nutrition-related health issues, as well as suggest supplements to augment any diet deficiencies. We can discuss common food-drug interactions, recommend ways to boost fibre intake, and even advise on special nutrient needs for older adults.

With the development of our Health and Lifestyle Centre, together with our expanded home health care product and service presentation, Walsh’s Pharmacy can also offer a broadened customer support program which also helps our patients and customers live both an improved quality of life and the ability to maintain an in-home independent lifestyle.

The first day of Spring is next week (March 20th), and you’re probably starting to think about getting outdoors soon; think of Walsh’s first if mobility or exercise therapy are considerations for helping your transition into Spring and Summer; and did you remember to set all your clocks forward one hour on Sunday, March 9th. At this time, it’s also recommended you change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.   

And, to serve as an additional reminder, with children out of school this week, enjoying their mid-winter break, be extra alert on the road; they might not be watching out for you- be sure you’re watching out for them.

Be sure to visit us in-store, or our website at:

April is Mobility Month

Walsh’s Pharmacy maintains that people in our community deserve the best health support services, programs and advice that health care providers can make available. These columns help to provide that sometimes the best medicine can simply be a good dose of knowledge.

We’ve all heard the expression, “April showers bring May flowers”. April does bring showers, and May certainly the flowers. April also signals the start of the outdoor season when the days seem warmer, the scent of Spring is in the air, and many of us simply have had enough of Winter and want to get started on our outdoor activities.

For those with mobility issues, however, getting around can be quite a challenge. And you don’t have to be a senior to experience these day-to-day challenges. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations, as well as various ways or means to help maintain an independent lifestyle and, at the same time, living a healthier, more active everyday life.

Outdoor activities involving any sort of recreational pastime such as short walks, gardening, even shopping, combined with other moderate exercise and supplement programs can add a sense of well-being as well as personal sense of satisfaction that can be so important to a health maintenance agenda. Walsh’s Pharmacy, through our health and lifestyle centre offers a broad based assistive device, safety products and exercise therapy programs to help get started.

We also have accredited staff members who can also assist in helping to make an effective choice related to blood pressure, circulation, and compression needs; as well we can provide professional guidance on the selection of a cane, walker-rollator, and even a lift chair. 

While many of today’s seniors are generally healthier and more physically fit than seniors of previous generations, many older Canadians still experience limitations on their activities. In part, these limitations can be associated with the normal course of aging- from arthritis to reduced vision. Activity for most people can be compromised if a person has difficulty hearing, seeing, walking, climbing stairs, bending, reaching, or doing similar activities. And these limitations don’t necessarily, and only, apply to seniors; they can affect people of any age.

Just recently, our home health care division, Walsh’s health & lifestyle centre, launched its newest health initiative- a health and lifestyle catalogue containing well over 3,000 home healthcare products covering categories from special needs household helpers to water bottles which can be specially ordered and delivered directly to a purchaser’s home. With this addition to our customer programs, we are even more confident in meeting the health-related needs of our community. This 240 page catalogue is available in-store, free for the asking. 

Always check with your health care provider to ensure that any exercise regimen that you embark on, in any form, is right for you.  

Summer…Outdoor Activities and Mobility

Walsh’s maintains that our community deserves the best health support services, programs and advice that we as health care providers can make available. These columns help to provide some insights, as well as communicate that sometimes the best medicine can simply be a good dose of knowledge.

 While the April-June period signals the start Spring and Summer, July is really when summer activities really “kick in” with the start of summer vacations, doing more outdoor grilling, tending to one’s garden(s), enjoying the warmth (if not too hot, that is).

For those with mobility issues, getting around to doing some of these activities can be quite a challenge. And you don’t have to be a senior to experience these day-to-day mobility challenges.

Fortunately, there are a number of organizations, as well as various means of maintaining an independent lifestyle and, at the same time, living a healthier, more active everyday life.

Outdoor activities of any sort, such as short walks or gardening, combined with any moderate exercise and supplement program can add a sense of personal well-being. As a pharmacist and health care practioner, any personal sense of satisfaction can be so important to any health maintenance program. Walsh’s Pharmacy, through our health and lifestyle centre offers a broad range of mobility devices; safety products as well as exercise therapy programs to help get started on a more enjoyable summer.

We also have accredited staff members who can also assist in helping to make a knowledgeable choice related to blood pressure, circulation, and compression needs; as well we can provide professional guidance on the selection of a cane, a walker-rollator, or even a lift chair. 

While many of today’s seniors are generally healthier and more physically fit than seniors of previous generations, some older Canadians still experience limitations on their activities. In part, these limitations can be associated with the normal course of aging- from arthritis to reduced vision. Activity for many can be difficult if a person has difficulty hearing, seeing, walking, climbing stairs, bending, reaching, or doing similar activities. These difficulties can prevent the enjoyment of leisure interests. And these limitations don’t necessarily apply to just seniors; they can affect people of any age.

Just recently, our home health care division, Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre, launched its newest health initiative- a Virtual Store, as well as a health and lifestyle catalogue containing well over 3,000 home healthcare products. With these additions to our customer programs, we are even more confident in meeting the health-related needs of our community, and contributing to a better you. The Virtual Store is available for viewing in-store; the 240 page catalogue is free for the asking- why not pick up your free copy today. 

Remember to always check with your health care provider to ensure that any exercise regimen is right for you.

Some Insights into Nutrient Depletion...

Since 1952, Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that those living in our community, deserve the best health care services and advice that we can provide. With this core belief in mind, Walsh’s has committed to providing programs, products, services and advice which help to meet the demands of a busy life and lifestyle. Visit Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre today, and let’s talk…

Millions of Canadians take prescription medications every year to help manage health and wellness concerns. Many of those taking any number of medicines don’t realize that some of the medications they take can also adversely affect the amount of nutrient levels stored in their body. As a general rule, most medications actually deplete specific vitamins and minerals, and can cause any number of additional health-related problems.

Just as we replenish the nutrients in our gardens and lawns every Spring and Fall, those taking prescription, as well as some over-the-counter, medications need to replenish the nutrient levels in their body. It’s important to know that Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in everyday body function- including cellular processes; this role may also include other important body activities such as maintaining the immune system, or digestive functions, as well as many others.

Depending upon the medications, or class of medicines taken, different nutrients can automatically be depleted from the body. For instance, anti-inflammatory drugs which are used for chronic pain relief, like arthritis for example can deplete Calcium, Potassium, Vitamins B6, C, D, and Folic Acid, as well as several other minerals needed for a healthier lifestyle.

At Walsh’s we recommend, for example, that if you are taking any of the following medication categories to manage or control certain conditions such as:

         Antibiotics                         Anti-Seizure Medications              Anti-Ulcer

        Birth Control                     Blood Pressure/Heart                      Cholesterol

        Chronic Pain Relievers      Diabetes                                          Diuretics

…then you should at least be taking an appropriate supplement and/or a Multivitamin to counteract any of the nutrient depletion effects that many of these medications can cause. While this list is by no means complete, we recommend you see your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for additional details.

And you should always check with your health care practitioner before embarking on any change to your health-related regimen, particularly when it involves prescription medications. Remember to ask your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist for advice about your medications and how to counteract the effects of nutrient depletion.

As we begin to head into the Fall season, most people step up their Vitamin and supplement in-take.

It’s always best to speak with your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist to determine what specific supplement program is right for you. See us first for all your health-related needs.

We can help you stay healthy.

Back to School... and some things you should know

Walsh’s Pharmacy has maintained that people within our community, deserve the best health care services that we can provide.

The information provided is for those in our community with school-aged children, or those attending child care, what to do, and why you should get to know the facts about head lice. See your Walsh’s pharmacist to learn more about treatment options.

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One of the concerns, and often to the embarrassment, of many parents at this time of year is that their child will come in contact with head lice, which can be highly contagious and spread quickly. Lice are tiny, wingless parasitic insects that live among human hair, and feed on small amounts of blood drawn from the scalp. Although there might be a “Yuck Factor”, head lice are a very common problem, especially for kids aged 3-12 years (girls more often than boys).

Contrary to what some think, it’s not true that cleanliness, skipped baths/showers, or any other personal hygiene issue is a cause. Children who live in close quarters may have more of a problem, as are those who come in direct contact with one another. In school, that close contact could be direct, like head-to-head, or sharing personal accessories like hats/scarves, combs/brushes- even headphones.

What do head lice look like? There are 3 stages: egg (or nit); nymph and adult. Nits are whitish-grey, tan or yellow ovals about the size of a grain of sand. They stick to the hair close to the scalp, and can look like dandruff. Nymphs are baby lice, and look like adults, only smaller. Adults are about the size of a sesame seed, and can live for up to 30 days on the scalp.
How do you know your child has head lice? Well, very simply, the “Itch Factor”. The first sign of head lice is an itchy scalp, but it is possible to not have any symptoms. However, if you think your child may have head lice, check for nits, then again after 1 week, and again after 2.

To confirm a case of head lice, you need to find live lice; usually children will have no more than 20-30. Head lice move very fast and are hard to see, but are found close to the scalp, the bottom of the neck, or behind the ears.

So what about treatment? Home remedies hardly ever work, and disinfecting your home is totally unnecessary. There a several treatments approved in Canada to treat head lice. If your child has head lice, be sure to deal with it immediately. Check with your family doctor or your Walsh’s pharmacist to determine the best treatment remedy.