Friday, 1 December 2017

Let's Talk About Taking Care during the Festive Season

Ah, the Christmas Season…December has always been an exciting month as we all make plans for social events and anticipating the New Year. It can also be a month of high stress and anxiety as we deal with what seems to be an ever-growing list of things to do, which seem to take longer as we age…

There are a number of stress-reducing recommendations available, but most sources will suggest that we simply slow down. We all know that’s easier said, than done…We seem to rush through the day, hurry to get things done, race to finish one more item on our list- Christmas shopping, meal planning preparing for family gatherings…sometimes, becoming so tired, we don’t sleep or eat properly.

Reducing the level of extremes in our lives, eating a healthy and balanced diet, or taking a moderate approach to life might help to reduce our feeling of stress can prove difficult. Low impact physical or breathing exercises, even taking the time to enjoy the moment, can all help to improve health and lifestyle.

Many of these, Walsh’s can help you with- like finding ways of improving mobility, or helping with personal exercise activities, particularly if the weather doesn’t cooperate.

Walsh’s Pharmacy and Walsh’s Health & Lifestyle Centre can help you find products/services to relieve stress, as well as the challenges of getting mobile, and/or outdoors to enjoy a break from an in-home routine. Feeling physically healthy and medically healthy, go hand in hand…
If you have challenges of maintaining what might be considered a healthy and balanced diet, or finding the time to decompress, you might benefit from taking daily multi-vitamins or additional supplements. You should be aware, also, that taking certain medications can deplete the body of particular stress-relieving nutrients. Ask your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist about the effects of nutrient depletion, and how it might affect you.

As with any health regimen undertaking, however, you should always check with your health care practitioner, or your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist/Health & Lifestyle advisor(s) for guidance.  

 While Vitamins and Mineral Supplements won’t address any of the underlying factors associated with stress, they might help to reduce the negative effects associated with seasonal stress.

When under stress, the body’s needs for certain vitamins and mineral supplements increases significantly. Vitamins and Mineral Supplements can help to settle the nervous system. They are also essential if your body is to have the best possible opportunity to recover, by providing the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy balance.

There are a number of Vitamins and Supplements that can be important during stressful periods: Vitamin B Complex, for instance, is important particularly when there is an increased intake of Carbohydrates (including alcohol); Vitamin C needs are also increased as it also helps to boost the body’s immune system; Calcium is another important mineral because it’s also helpful in easing symptoms of insomnia.   

 If you have questions, speak with your healthcare practitioner or your Walsh’s Pharmacy pharmacist/Health & Lifestyle advisor(s) for advice and guidance regarding healthy lifestyle options, and be sure to visit our website,

With the Festive Season fast approaching, from our families to yours, have a Safe, Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year.